So you think you’re doing fine over there on cloud nine?
I wonder, does it hurt when you come crashing back to earth?
Come, hear about this bandwagon I campaign ’bout –
Unroll your blunts, pour your champagnes out –
You say life’s pressed you hard
And you inhale for a breather
And that stuff in your veins is like ether;
The smoke’s got you confounded, it’s clouded up your brain
The drugs give you hugs and make the pain wane
But it’s still there –
You’re stuck in a bog, through the fog
You can’t see it so you think it’s gone away
But you’re not saved, you’re just blinded
And when you sober up again
You’re a slave, and you’re reminded
By the throbbing of the pain
That what you thought was your savior
Was just another set of chains…

So don’t fry your head – search for truth instead
Pass over the bitter herbs,
Don’t be consumed by the burning bush;
Shake off your ratchet habit
And escape the curse of Cush
See, it might make you smile
But it can’t make you happy
It might make you bright
But it turns your brain dappy
The high makes you fly
And float by the ceiling
But it doesn’t make you feel better –
It makes you unfeeling…

Shake off your masters, fettered mind
Poisoned and haunted by fiends;
Shake off your masters, fettered mind
Stuck in narcotic dreams!