I am this old dude

In this old town

Hiding, covered in a mask

Of my own doing

I am old

Yet still not as much

I crave for power

I yearn for it ever so dearly

Like an infants cry for mothers milk

My cry for power consumes me

I am old

Yet still not as much

“My people” I call them

They respond, followers they are

I love them, they think so

But to me, they are vessels

I am old

Yet still not as much

Wealth beckons for me

Or is it the other way round?

Truly I am not evil

While my people die of hunger

I am old

Yet still not as much

Them youngsters beg for my departure

“You’re extinct!” they claim

I know I am old

Yet in mind am not!

I am a politician

My mind shifts as tectonic plates!

When will I learn?

To respect the lives of “my people”

I lack a heart

Blame me for their deaths

And misery, oh poverty too!

I am old

And I thrive for power!

© Barbra Jolie (Read her blog here)